About Resource Index (res-index)

res-index is a searchable index for development resources, including github repo and npm packages.

Why yet another index?

In short, the search functionality on google and github are unsatisfied. This project aim to build a better alternative and potentially improve google's search result.

Sometime I want to search for a npm package but google cannot return that result even after I added "npm", "github", or even the combination of exact author username and package name.

Similarly, it's sometime hopeless to search for a non-popular package by name on github if you cannot recall the author's username.

Sometime google can not show the corresponding npm page but instead shows it on "socket.dev" or "snyk.io".

Pasting the exact npm url in subsequence search doesn't seem effective at hinting google to index the pages.

This project aim to actively index some github repositories and npm packages to enable more inclusive searching.

In addition, this project try be SEO-friendly. Hopefully, it can improve google's search result overtime.

Open Source License

This project is open sourced, this source code is available on Github and licensed with BSD-2-Clause.

This is free, libre, and open-source software. It comes down to four essential freedoms [ref]:

Source Code of about.tsx
(import statements omitted for simplicity, click to expand)
import { o } from '../jsx/jsx.js'
import { existsSync, readFileSync } from 'fs'
import { Link } from '../components/router.js'
import { prerender } from '../jsx/html.js'
import SourceCode from '../components/source-code.js'
import { title } from '../../config.js'
// The JSX expression don't need to be re-built on every render
let About = (
  <div id="about">
    <h1>About Resource Index (res-index)</h1>
      res-index is a searchable index for development resources, including
      github repo and npm packages.
    <h2>Why yet another index?</h2>
        In short, the search functionality on google and github are unsatisfied.
        This project aim to build a better alternative and potentially improve
        google's search result.
      Sometime I want to search for a npm package but google cannot return that
      result even after I added "npm", "github", or even the combination of
      exact author username and package name.
      Similarly, it's sometime hopeless to search for a non-popular package by
      name on github if you cannot recall the author's username.
      Sometime google can not show the corresponding npm page but instead shows
      it on "socket.dev" or "snyk.io".
      Pasting the exact npm url in subsequence search doesn't seem effective at
      hinting google to index the pages.
      This project aim to actively index some github repositories and npm
      packages to enable more inclusive searching.
      In addition, this project try be SEO-friendly. Hopefully, it can improve
      google's search result overtime.
    <h2>Open Source License</h2>
      This project is open sourced, this source code is available on{' '}
      <a href="https://github.com/beenotung/res-index" target="_blank">
      </a>{' '}
      and licensed with <Link href="/LICENSE">BSD-2-Clause</Link>.
      This is free, libre, and open-source software. It comes down to four
      essential freedoms{' '}
        <li>The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose</li>
          The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does
          your computing as you wish
        <li>The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others</li>
          The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others
    <SourceCode page="about.tsx" />

const License = prerender(
  <p style="white-space:pre-wrap">
      ? readFileSync('LICENSE').toString()
      : 'LICENSE file is missing. You can put it in the project root directory, alone-side with the package.json'}

const Help = prerender(
  <p style="white-space:pre-wrap">{readFileSync('help.txt').toString()}</p>,

let routes = {
  '/about/:mode?': {
    title: title('About'),
      'About res-index - A searchable index for development resources, including github repo and npm packages',
    menuText: 'About',
    menuUrl: '/about',
    menuMatchPrefix: true,
    node: About,
    streaming: true,
  '/LICENSE': {
    title: 'BSD 2-Clause License of res-index',
      'res-index is a free open source project licensed under the BSD 2-Clause License',
    node: License,
  '/help.txt': {
    title: 'Get started',
      'res-index is powered by ts-liveview. This page shows you how to run a ts-liveview project locally and introduce the available npm scripts.',
    node: Help,

export default { routes }